The more RAM in your computer, the more programmes you can run at the same time without sacrificing performance. When your computer runs out of RAM, it uses the page file, which is a section of the storage drive that works as a makeshift RAM. This is far slower than physical RAM, which is why you feel slowdowns when Windows has to use it. Because RAM is volatile, its contents will be lost if your computer is turned off. You must save anything you want to save to permanent storage, such as a hard drive or solid-state drive. This is why, when your computer shuts down, you’ll lose an open Word document that you haven’t saved yet.

9 Ways How to Increase Ram Speed

Let’s look at several options for lowering your RAM usage. Although you shouldn’t have to do this very often, these techniques are useful when you notice a memory problem.

  1. Restart your computer.

This is a troubleshooting tip that you’re certainly familiar with, but it’s popular for a reason. When you restart your computer, the contents of RAM are cleared and all running processes are restarted. While this will not increase the amount of RAM accessible to you, it will clean up any background activities that are consuming your memory. Some processes may be operating that you are unaware of. To protect your computer from becoming clogged, you should restart it on a regular basis, especially if you use it frequently. If your computer hasn’t been restarted in a week and is running slowly, it’s time to do so.

  1. Use Windows Tools to Check RAM Usage

You don’t have to guess what’s utilising your RAM; Windows has capabilities to show you what’s going on. To begin, either search for Task Manager in the Start menu or use the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keyboard shortcut. If necessary, click More information to expand to the full view. Then click the Memory header on the Processes tab to order all processes from most to least RAM use. Keep in mind the apps you see here because we’ll go through them in greater detail later. Keep in mind that heavier apps require more RAM, so high RAM usage isn’t always indicative of a problem. A browser with a dozen tabs open, for example, will use more RAM than a simple notepad programme. Switch to the Performance tab for additional details. A graph of your RAM utilisation over time can be found in the Memory section. On the Memory tab of this programme, click Open Resource Monitor at the bottom to acquire further information. The graph at the bottom shows how much RAM you have available. Sort the top list by Commit (KB) to see which programmes utilise the most RAM. See the whole guide on debugging memory leaks if you feel you have a serious problem based on what you’ve seen here.

  1. Remove or disable unwanted software

Now that you know which apps consume the most RAM on your computer, consider if you actually use them. Preventing programmes that you never use from using RAM is a simple technique to reduce RAM utilisation. Apps you haven’t used in months but are still running in the background are squandering your computer’s resources and should be removed. Go to Settings > Apps > Apps & features and select Uninstall on any programme you want to get rid of. If you don’t want to delete an app because you use it occasionally, you can prohibit it from starting up at all. Many apps are programmed to launch automatically every time you log in, which is inefficient if you only use them occasionally.

  1. Maintain Your Apps

You should always install software updates as soon as possible for security reasons, but doing so can also help you save RAM. Memory leaks occur when a programme does not return RAM to the pool once it has finished consuming those resources. Such apps will consume more and more RAM over time, leaving fewer resources for other apps on your device. If an app has a memory leak, installing the most recent version should resolve the issue. Aside from that, newer versions of apps may have optimization and upgrades that reduce the amount of RAM required by the software in general.

  1. Manage Running Programs and Use Lighter Apps

What if you really need to free up RAM on your computer, but the apps that are taking up space are essential to your workflow? You have two options for dealing with this. First, whenever possible, attempt to use lighter app alternatives. Use lesser software like Paint.NET or GIMP for modest modifications if your machine struggles when Photoshop is open. Use Photoshop only when you’re completely focused on a project. Second, pay more attention to the programmes that are now running. Close any software that you aren’t using right now. When you’re done working on a file, save it and then close the app in which it’s open. To free up RAM, bookmark open browser tabs that you wish to read later (or use a read-it-later service like Pocket). Maintaining a tighter control over what’s running at any given time will help free up RAM. Click the little arrow in the bottom-right corner of your screen to expand the System Tray part of the taskbar. Every programme with an icon here is operating in the background, so right-click on anything you don’t need and choose Close or Exit (then use the steps above to prevent it from running at startup every time). How to Increase Ram Speed? Because of its reputation for hogging RAM, Google Chrome is in its own category. For further information, see how to manage Chrome’s memory consumption. If you spend a lot of time in your browser, you might want to consider switching to another alternative (like as Edge) that uses less RAM. You should examine your browser extensions and remove any that you don’t require, regardless of the browser you use. Every extension you install on your browser uses additional memory, so removing them is a simple approach to minimise RAM usage even further.

  1. Run a malware scan If your RAM keeps disappearing, it’s worth looking for spyware on your computer. Rogue software that steals resources will use up all of your RAM. We recommend performing a Malwarebytes scan. Hopefully, it won’t turn up anything, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Also Read:  In Depth Comparison to Know Which is Better a Chromebook or a Laptop Exclusive and Effective Steps to Increase Application Memory on Mac 10 Effective Ways to Make Laptop Faster How to Speed Up Your Computer using Disk Optimization, RAM, Drivers  7. Modify Windows’ Virtual Memory

How to Increase Ram Speed? The paging file was described earlier. If you see error messages indicating that your system’s virtual memory is low, you can increase it to keep performance stable. Go to Settings > System > About to do so. Click Advanced system settings on this page to open a new window. If you don’t see this link in the Settings window on Windows 10, stretch it horizontally until it appears. It’s under Device specifications in the Related links section of Windows 11. Click the Settings button under Performance in the new box’s Advanced tab. Switch back to the Advanced tab and click the Change button in the Virtual memory section. Now you can check the size of your main drive’s paging files. In most circumstances, the Automatically manage paging file size for all discs box can be left checked to let Windows handle it. If you’re running out of virtual memory, you might want to uncheck this and increase the Initial size and Maximum size.

  1. Use ReadyBoost to Increase RAM

How to Increase Ram Speed? If your computer is ancient and only has a little amount of RAM, you can use ReadyBoost, a little-known Windows function, to expand RAM. This enables you to insert a flash drive or SD card and have Windows treat it as additional RAM. While it sounds fantastic, this capability is currently underutilised. ReadyBoost will accomplish nothing if your machine has an SSD. Because an SSD is quicker than a flash drive, using the paging file instead of the USB drive as RAM is more efficient. Furthermore, because computers today come with more RAM installed by default, you won’t receive as big of a benefit from ReadyBoost as you would on a slow system from years ago. ReadyBoost’s “fake RAM” does not provide the same performance boost as adding more RAM. As a result, ReadyBoost can only boost the effective RAM on older systems. In all other circumstances, the only way to upgrade your computer’s RAM is to do so yourself.

  1. Upgrade your RAM

How to Increase Ram Speed? If you’re always running out of RAM or wish to run more programmes at the same time, there’s no way around it: you need to upgrade your RAM. While this does come at a cost, if your machine hasn’t had much before, installing RAM will greatly increase performance. If you’re wondering how to get additional RAM, keep in mind that you can only do so by adding actual memory sticks to your computer. Online claims regarding “downloading extra RAM” are a hoax; adding memory this way is impossible. Increasing your RAM on a desktop is usually a simple upgrade. However, due to the limited capacity of a laptop, adding more RAM may be difficult, if not impossible. For a tutorial, see our guide to upgrading your laptop’s RAM. In either case, be sure the RAM you purchase is compatible with your machine. Examine your PC’s documentation to see what sort of RAM is compatible with your system and whether upgrading is simple. This can also be accomplished through online forums. We evaluated whether speedier RAM or the total quantity of RAM is more significant to help you make the most of the upgrade.

What Are RAM Cleaners, Anyway?

How to Increase Ram Speed? You’ve probably come across RAM cleaning utilities that claim to help you improve your RAM in a variety of methods. While these appear to be fantastic in principle, we advise against using them. For further information, see our coverage on CleanMem, one such app. In conclusion, RAM boosters are at best placebos, as they “free up” RAM by removing it from programmes that most likely require it. Memory management is a difficult computer problem. Windows developers, being specialists in their industry, know a lot more about how to do this than some random developer who releases a RAM cleaning. It’s not necessarily an issue if your computer uses the majority of its available RAM—just it’s making the most of what it has.

RAM is only one type of computer upgrade.

On Windows 10 and 11, we looked at a few different techniques to free up RAM. In the end, the best solution for RAM-related issues is to add extra physical RAM to your laptop, especially if they occur frequently. However, going through the processes above will help you decide if this is essential.

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