Android 4.3 Features

The latest Android version won’t bring many new features that are relevant to the average user, but more for developers. Google apparently is focusing on making developing for Android easier which we already have seen during the Google I/O a few months ago. Android 4.3 features include

Ability to add pauses or waits in the dialling screen Autocomplete option for the dial pad Constant WiFi location scanning for apps without activated WiFi connection Updated camera app with arch-based menu Notification history app to review old notifications OpenGL 3 support Additional developer options like profiling GPU rendering

New Google Nexus 7 Specs

Based on a leaked video of the new Nexus 7, we can expect a nice update to Google’s 7″ tablet. According to a label at the backside of the tablet, we can expect the following specs:

Android 4.3 7″ 1080p Display WiFi and 3G/LTE option 16GB or 32GB storage 1.2 MP Front- and 5 MP back camera Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro processor 4GB DDR3L RAM Upper & lower speakers 3,950 mAh battery

I personally expect the new Nexus 7 price to start at around $199.00 for the 8GB and $249.00 for the 16G version, with the 16GB 3G/LTE being available for $299.00. We’ll probably know more by next Wednesday! Are you looking forward to the new Nexus 7 or Android 4.3? Share your wishes and expectations in the comments below! Images courtesy of Androidcentral. Cover picture courtesy of hermzz via Flickr licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.

Android 4 3 and New Google Nexus 7 Rumor Roundup - 15