As with previous Android versions, you can access the various sound modes by pressing the volume up or down button on your phone or tablet. Android 5.0 Lollipop offers three different sound settings: Priority and do not disturb mode were introduced with the latest Android version and offer a few nice features. Here’s what they have to offer:

Android 5.0 Lollipop Priority sound mode

Priority sound mode basically offers a silent mode with the possibility to whitelist calendar entries, messages or incoming calls from certain people. This is especially handy if your kids, significant other or family should be able to reach you at all time – even when you’re sleeping and want all other notifications shut down. To only allow a few contacts being able to reach you when in silent mode, simply hit the star icon in the contact list. You should use this mode if you want to avoid any calls, emails or events disturbing your sleep, while stay having the possibility to use your phones alarm function in the morning. You’re also able to setup a schedule to automatically put your Android device to silent mode whenever you want. When in priority mode your phone will display a star icon in the top bar.

Android 5.0 Lollipop Do not disturb mode

Another new thing coming with Lollipop is the Do not disturb mode which basically shuts down all notifications. You won’t hear phones, messages or any other notifications. This also includes your alarm clock. Consequently, you should not be using this mode if you actually want to hear your phones alarm clock in the morning. When the Do not disturb mode is active, your Android device display a no symbol in the top bar.

While I like the new priority mode, I’m wondering why Google did not leave the already-known silent mode in its mobile operating system. There is no point in only having the vibrate function available and I think that this might make things just overly complicated.  

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