Providing in-depth information about your product and the team behind it is just one of the benefits. Thanks to SaaS website builders, you do not have to develop from scratch — templates save time and effort. Discover the five strongest arguments in favor of web development for app creators in 2022.

Building Awareness Pre-Launch

A web page is a great way to build awareness and momentum before the official release of your app. Give your potential users a taste of what your product will do and how it will benefit them. Create an impressive pitch, add attractive screenshots, and let visitors subscribe to your waiting list. This way, you can update them about the progress and send a reminder once the app has been released.

No Limits

Both Google Play and App Store have stringent guidelines and limitations for publishers. For example, they restrict the number, size, and quality of videos and screenshots on the app page. Your own website or web page lets you share any high-quality content you deem appropriate. App Store imposes a 4,000-character limit on text descriptions. On your own site, you can provide a detailed explanation of the features and strengths of your product. This will show visitors that you want them to develop a good understanding of your app before committing to it. This is particularly important if it includes in-app purchases or requires an upfront payment.

Direct Communication

Give visitors an opportunity to send their queries before the release date. A website is a great way to offer a direct method of contact. While most apps include access to support, you should make it available prior to launch. Give visitors some means to communicate with your team directly, be it email or live chat. This simple measure goes a long way. It can even help you minimize the number of bad reviews after launch. Users who fail to find or use a support feature within the app may post public reviews to be heard. Provide them with another channel for criticism.

Minimizing Negative Public Feedback

Every app creator wants their product to get thousands of glowing reviews and stellar ratings. Over half of consumers check the feedback section before downloading an app, so what they see in the reviews is crucial. There are many ways to minimize the amount of criticism, but you cannot eliminate it completely. This is simply beyond your control, as users are not always objective. A website, however, gives you full control. You can choose what reviews to feature. Customer testimonials will help you portray your product in the best possible light. It is a great opportunity to leverage the power of social proof.

Building on SEO

A site optimized for organic search will help you push your app to top positions in the SERPs (search engine results pages). This works for Google, Bing, and other engines. You do not need a huge amount of content to make the site prominent. With a clever SEO strategy, you will make your app more visible to users who search for relevant products or services. If you invite bloggers or journalists to cover the launch of your app, ask them to include links to your site in their content. Backlinks from authoritative sources will make your own site more credible in the eyes of Google, which will also boost its ranking. Finally, a site is a starting point for a blog, which is another great way of enhancing SEO. Research relevant and effective (i.e., traffic-driving) keywords that work for your niche and use high-quality content to compete for them. Describe the design and features of your app, and encourage feedback. Share useful information that benefits your potential customers. Make your website a credible source of well-researched articles on industry-specific topics. With a blog, you will attract new customers and keep your existing clientele engaged and updated.

You Do Not Have to Invest in a Full Website

You can get all of the above-mentioned benefits with a simple landing page. It is not obligatory to build a full website if your app has straightforward functionality. Provide an overview with branding, a download link, and contact details. A one-page website can be set up quickly. Add more pages in the future, after gathering user testimonials, creating a promo video, or devising a strategy for a blog. However, even the simplest website must include the following elements:

The name of your app and its icon. A pitch or tagline — functionality of the app and the benefits it brings explained in one sentence. Supported devices and OS. Call to action (e.g., sign up form before launch or download buttons redirecting to the corresponding app stores). Social proof components (after launch): user feedback, testimonials, awards, etc. Screenshots demonstrating and explaining the key features. Promo videos showing how your app works. Links to social media accounts (you do not have to engage all platforms — choose the ones your audience is most likely to use). Social media mentions from customers or influencers.

When Should I Launch a Website for My App?

Do not wait until launch. The sooner you set up a visually attractive website, the better. You can do it during the development stage to build awareness and excitement about the upcoming release. As we have mentioned, even a one-page website is a good start, as it can be expanded in the future. Provide visitors with an incentive to sign up for early access and implement effective SEO strategies to boost visibility. Encourage visitors to give feedback and ideas that may be incorporated into your app.